The Incredible Teenage Brain: Guardian Masterclass

Bettina (Dr Bettina Hohnen) and her co-author Dr Jane Gilmour are running a Guardian masterclass entitled Demystifying the teenage brain: How to help teens reach their potential. 

Why does teenage behaviour seem so different to that of younger children? Why are their friends suddenly the centre of their world? What is the best way for parents to navigate this time? Bettina and Jane, both Clinical Psychologists, will describe the cutting edge neuroscientific research into teenage brain development and consider what it means in a day to day context. You will learn how the implications are shifting the narrative from sulky, stroppy teens, to the view of the adolescent years as a time of great opportunity and passion, deep neural sensitivity and enormous potential. It’s important we understand these brain changes if we are to know how to support our teens. 

Using scientifically-backed evidence, engaging activities, and takeaway strategies, Bettina and Jane will guide you through the science and parents and careers will come away with a deeper understanding for how pubescent changes can positively impact family life, how strong relationships and meaningful communication are the bedrock through which we can support teens, and the essential tools for launching your teen into a fulfilling and healthy adulthood.

The masterclass takes place online on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 from 6.30-8.30pm with catch up recording available.

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